Keston Center Fall Lecture: Baylor in Deeds—Interfaith and Intra-Faith Harmony: Strengthening Leadership for Women Globally through Sports

The Keston Center for Religion, Politics, and Society presents its Fall Lecture, a panel conversation among a group of Baylor faculty and graduate students who traveled to Lahore, Pakistan, in December 2023 to launch a U.S. State Department grant-funded program that supports women’s leadership in sports.
Baylor in Deeds
Interfaith and Intra-Faith Harmony: Strengthening Leadership for Women Globally through Sports
Tuesday, October 29, 2024
Armstrong Browning Library & Museum
and livestreamed via Zoom Webinar
Reception at 2:30 p.m. in the Cox Reception Hall (catered by Saffron)
Panel Discussion at 3:30 p.m. in the Treasure Room
This event is free and open to the public.

Hina Abel
Dissertation Fellow in Higher Education Studies and Leadership, Baylor University
Hina Abel's research explores the Good Life in mid-career faculty. She recently completed a 5-year doctoral administrative fellowship in professional development at the Graduate School. She holds a B.A. in Education and Sociology and two Master’s degrees in Business Administration and Organizational Leadership. Her professional experience includes enhancing academic services, implementing system revamps at Forman Christian College, and serving as an administrator and educator at Kinnaird College for Women. In addition to her academic and professional achievements, Hina has dedicated over 20 years to developing church-based programming for children and women and has represented the Presbyterian Church of Pakistan as an International Peacemaker across the U.S. She values relationship-building as a key strategy for developing effective systems and institutions.

Meredith Frey
Master of Arts in School Leadership Fellow, Baylor University
Meredith Frey is a current Educational Leadership Master's student at Baylor University who also teaches third grade at a classical school in San Antonio, Texas, and coaches basketball. With traveling and teaching experience, she was able to join the Pakistan partnership and discuss how to incorporate movement breaks in the classroom. She is passionate about seeing students and teachers embrace challenges and reach their fullest potential.

Marshall Magnusen
Associate Professor of Educational Leadership, Baylor University
Magnusen researches in the areas of organizational behavior and human resource management, with particular consideration being given to the areas of recruiting and personnel selection, leadership, social effectiveness, and organizational politics. He is the former associate editor of Sport Management Education Journal, and currently the editor of the Journal of Applied Sport Management and President of the Applied Sport Management Association (ASMA). He serves as an editorial board member for the Journal of Amateur Sport and the Journal of Global Sport Management. Additionally, he served as a co-editor for a 2016 special issue of the Journal of Applied Sport Management entitled, “The Political Arena: Power and Political Behavior in Sport Organizations.”

Brooke Ramsey
Local Waco School Leader
Brooke Ramsey graduated as a University Scholar from Baylor University and is a member of The Phi Beta Kappa Honors Society. She recently received her Master of Arts in Teaching in Classical Education from the Templeton Honors College at Eastern University. She currently serves as the head of the grammar school at Valor Preparatory Academy in Waco.

William Sterrett
Chair and Professor of Educational Leadership, Baylor University
William Sterrett holds the Fred & Edith Hale Endowed Chair for School Leadership at Baylor. Before joining Baylor in 2022, Sterrett served as Associate Dean and Professor at the University of North Carolina Wilmington. Prior to Sterrett’s 12-year tenure at UNCW, he was a principal and teacher in Charlottesville, Virginia. He earned his undergraduate degree at Asbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky, where he studied middle grades education and was a member of the men's basketball team. He then pursued his M.Ed. and Ph.D. at the University of Virginia, studying educational administration. His research focuses on school improvement, including sustainable green schools and districts; digital principals and technology-savvy superintendents; and collaborative school leadership.

Charles Ramsey, Moderator
Associate Chaplain and Director for Campus Ministries & Church Connections, Baylor University
Our moderator graduated from Baylor in 1997 as a University Scholar (Phi Beta Kappa) and received his MA from the Department of Religion in 2000, and PhD from the University of Birmingham (UK) in 2015. Before he started working as Associate Chaplain, Dr. Ramsey was the director of Baptist Student Ministries at Baylor.
For more information, contact Kathy Hillman, Director of the Keston Center for Religion, Politics, and Society, at (254) 710-6684.
This event is proudly sponsored by Baylor’s Center for Global Engagement, the Office of Spiritual Life, the Center for School Leadership, the Institute for Faith and Learning, Middle East Studies, International Studies, and the Baylor Libraries. The IDEA-SPORT effort was funded by a grant from the United States Department of State. The opinions, findings and conclusions stated herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the United States Department of State.