Baylor University Libraries
What can we help you find today?
Research and Instruction
Explore Baylor’s archival collections with BARD
Baylor's data repository, hosted by Texas Digital Library
Baylor's official institutional repository, home to white papers, pre-print publications, theses and dissertations
Connect with thousands of digitized items from Baylor's archival collections
The Libraries' literacies initiative emphasizes four specific literacies: Information, Data, Making and Media.
Class resource guides, subject guides, and useful how-tos
Discover the unparalleled research opportunities available in our research libraries, institutes and centers.
From Ancient Marine Reptiles to historic buildings, from Ice Age Mammoths to Texas textiles, our collections are the evidence of the beauty of the earth - including some 200,000+ specimens ready for research.
Major University Dates & Libraries Public Events
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Read More NewsThe BaylorITS Research Technology team proudly announces the launch of a new area of the BaylorITS website dedicated to guiding researchers to technology resources essential to research, especially grant-funded research. Research Technology connects researchers to consultants, software, services, guides, and additional resources designed to empower R1-level research across the university.
BaylorITS presents an Apple Workshop, “Start Your Education Learning Journey with iPad” on November 20, 2024, at 11:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. that offers students, faculty, and staff the opportunity to earn the first badge toward an Apple Teacher micro-certification while enhancing their productivity with iPad.
On Tuesday, November 19, 2024, at Noon in the Schumacher Flex Commons of Moody Library and via Zoom Webinar, the Baylor Libraries host the next session of the Readers Meet the Author series presented by the Office of the President and the Office of the Provost. The conversation will highlight Dr. Kimberly R. Kellison’s latest book, “Forging a Christian Order: South Carolina Baptists, Race, and Slavery, 1696-1860.” A reception with light refreshments and book signing will follow the conversation.
Facility offers wide range of assisted and self-directed recording options for faculty, support for new ways to integrate video into coursework and more