Sharpen Your Skills Workshops
In response to a multitude of requests for additional training from former participants in our popular "Getting Started" workshop, the Institute for Oral History began offering advanced online workshops once or twice yearly on high-demand topics. These workshops feature a single three-hour session that expand upon facets of the oral history process.
The next offering in our series of “Sharpen Your Skills” advanced online workshops will focus on “Managing Oral History Projects” and is specially designed to prepare those with a basic understanding of oral history who are overseeing an oral history project on behalf of an organization, institution, or group. This workshop will enhance your knowledge of oral history project management to accomplish the research objectives of your organization more efficiently and successfully, and to help you create the best outcome for your project. Our staff will draw on years of experience and countless oral history projects to give you guidelines, tips, and tricks for successfully crafting and managing complex oral history projects. Topics covered include funding, managing technology and workflow, working with partners, public vs private use of oral history, managing team members and volunteers, and evaluating your project.
We are excited to announce that registration for the exclusive “Oral History at a Distance” workshop is now open! The workshop will be held virtually on August 7 and 14, 2024 from 10:00am to 1:00pm. Please register by using the following link to access the registration form. The cost is $50 per participant and registration will remain open through July 31, 2024. There is no registration limit, so be sure to tell your friends and colleagues!
(All registrations are tax-exempt.)
Our advanced E-workshop is designed for the oral historian who is looking to get a in depth look into specific area of oral history. The workshop is primarily an advanced course for oral history interviewers who have conducted an oral history interview in the past and are looking to refine their skills and practices. We also welcome participants who are new to oral history.
Topics covered in the workshop are offered on a rotating basis, with new topics occasionally offered as well. Below includes a list of workshops that we have offered in the past.
- Turning Oral Histories Into Radio Dramas (May 2021)
- Advanced Interviewing Techniques (November 2015, May 2020)
- Managing an Oral History Project (February 2016)
- Processing and Outcomes in Oral History (November 2016)
- Advanced Interviewing Techniques (May 2017)
- Digital Tools in Oral History (May 2018)
- Protecting Your Project and Participants (May 2019)
Your instructors are faculty and staff members of Baylor University Institute for Oral History, with an accumulated record of more than fifty years of experience with oral history interviewing, training, and administration.
The three-hour workshop is in one session, presented in the morning, 10:00 am – 1:00 pm CDT. We allow ample time for questions and comments at the end of the session and make ourselves available as consultants for the duration of your oral history project. Sample forms and documents related to oral history workshop topic, as well as additional resources, will be made available to workshop participants through Baylor's online file sharing system.
Online Connection
The Zoom-based class will include lecture, Q&A, discussion, and interactive exercises The workshop requires preparatory reading on your part and an assignment. All readings and resources are provided to registrants from about one week before the workshop through two months after the workshop.
Participants receive 1) the recorded session of the live workshop; 2) topic resources; 3) course evaluation form; 4) additional oral history support
More Information About Our Advanced Workshops
If you have questions, or would like to be added to our waiting list, please email