The Keston Center welcomes you to explore exhibits online as well as the current exhibit on display on the third floor of Carroll Library.
Ukraine: Persecuted, Starved, and Killed...But Never Silenced
Prepared by Julia Ash, a sophomore Baylor University Scholars major, this exhibit examines the often unjust relationship between Ukraine and the Soviet Union, and gives some context to the current war in Ukraine against Russia.
Voice of the Voiceless: Commemorating Keston's 50th Anniversary
On October 15, 2019, the Keston Center for Religion, Politics, and Society commemorated the 50th anniversary of the founding of Keston College and the beginning of the Michael Bourdeaux Keston Library and Archives. The event included a physical exhibit, a panel, and the release of a new volume, Voices of the Voiceless: Religion, Communism, and the Keston Archives. This online companion exhibit discusses the founding of the Keston Center, its role in the dissemination of knowledge of religious oppression, and how the Center will be used in the future.
Revisiting Red October: Power, Propaganda & Persecution
The Revisiting Red October exhibit is another dimension of the series of lectures, panels and film screenings being held at Baylor University designed to explore and evaluate the world-changing events that took place a century ago in Russia. This exhibit - both physical and online - takes a careful look at the power structures, propaganda mechanisms and persecution characteristic of the Bolshevik Revolution.
Truth Prevails: 100 Years of Czechoslovak History
Throughout its history, the central-eastern European state formerly known as Czechoslovakia experienced tumultuous changes in autonomy and identity. The world watched the struggle for democratization and personal freedom throughout the 20th century. Their continued hope for freedom and willingness to stand up for truth in the face of brutality serves as an inspiration to the world. Despite unfortunate circumstances and the influence of invaders, the nation continued its struggle for freedom and truth.