ABL Rare Collection
ABL Rare Books
- First editions of all of the works of both Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning; subsequent editions published during their lifetimes; numerous Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning presentation, inscribed, and association copies; rare titles concerning the Brownings and their works.
- Rare books by and about members of the Brownings' circle of friends, acquaintances, and contemporaries, notably those of Alfred Lord Tennyson and Ralph Waldo Emerson.
- One of the most important resources for Matthew Arnold research in the USA comprising first and successive editions of his published works and eighty-four titles, annotated and marked, from his personal library. Click the links below to see a list of these collections:
Browning Music
- 1,500 music scores which constitute a nearly complete collection of every verse by Robert Browning and Elizabeth Barrett Browning set to music as well as music related to or associated with their poetry.
Pre-1901 Periodicals
- Meynell Collection Periodicals--approximately 300 periodical issues or articles from the personal libraries of Robert and/or Elizabeth Barrett Browining and their immediate families.
- Hundreds of single periodical issues or articles containing reviews or criticism and interpretation of the Brownings' works or other information concerning the Brownings.
- Approximately 6,000 bound humanities-related periodical volumes published before 1901 which contain a wealth of information on the nineteenth century.
Stokes Shakespeare Collection
- The gift of William N. Stokes, Jr., the Stokes Shakespeare Collection is a collection of over 180 titles, including significant eighteenth-century editions of Shakespeare as well as works relating to the Bacon-Shakespeare authorship controversy. Click HERE to see a list of the books in this collection, which can be sorted by author, title, or year of publication.