Allison Yanos
Assistant Librarian, Director of Library Systems

B.A., Theology, University of Notre Dame
M.L.S., Library Science, Indiana University
Allison started working at the Baylor University Libraries in 2006 as a Catalog Librarian. In January 2024, she began as Director for Library Systems, transitioning from her long-standing service as the Database Management & Systems Librarian. In her role, Allison oversees the implementation and operation of Alma/Primo, databases, and other digital systems developed and used by the Libraries. In addition to her service with the Baylor Libraries, Allison worked in the libraries at Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis (IUPUI), and the University of Notre Dame.
Memberships & Publications
- Evans, B., Snow, K., Liss, J., Shoemaker, B., Yanos, A., Rathbun-Grubb, S., & McCourry, M. (2018, Oct.) Competencies Through Community Engagement: Developing the Core Competencies for Cataloging and Metadata Professional Librarians. Library Resources and Technical Services, 62 (4), 188-198.
- Yanos, A., & Evans, B. (2014, February). Implementing RDA in a time of upheaval. Presentation at the "Is RDA on Your RaDAr?": an AMIGOS Online Conference.
- Association for Library Collections & Technical Services, member and former chair of various interest groups.
- Baylor Honor Council Member, 2014-present.
- Baylor University Chapter (Zeta of Texas) of Phi Beta Kappa, Initiation Committee Member, 2015-present.