Bruce Evans
Associate Librarian, Director of Cataloging and Metadata Services
B.A., Intellectual History (Minor: Music), Fresno Pacific University
M.S., Library and Information Science, University of North Texas
After receiving his M.S. in Library Science, in 1995 Bruce began his career with a music cataloging retrospective conversion project at Whitworth University in Spokane, Washington. In 1997, Bruce received his first full-time, permanent librarian position as Music Catalog Librarian at SMU in Dallas. And then in 2003, Bruce was hired into his present position at Baylor. Bruce's title in 2003 was Music and Fine Arts Catalog Librarian/Bibliographic Access Unit Leader, and after departmental name changes and reorganizations, he currently has the title of Director, Cataloging and Metadata Services.
Memberships & Publications
- Music Library Association (MLA), served on the Board; chaired and served on multiple committees.
- Music OCLC Users Group (MOUG), served on the Board multiple times, including as Chair of MOUG; chaired and served on multiple committees.
- Online Audiovisual Catalogers, Inc. (OLAC), served on the Board multiple times; served on multiple committees.
- ALA ALCTS CaMMS, chaired and served on multiple Interest Groups; chaired the Cataloging Competencies Task Force, which led to the creation of Core Competencies for Cataloging and Metadata Professional Librarians, approved by the ALCTS Board at the 2017 ALA Midwinter Meeting.
- Music Library Association, Texas Chapter (TMLA), current Chair (served once before 20 years ago); chaired and served on multiple committees.
- Evans, B., Snow, K., Liss, J., Shoemaker, B., Yanos, A., Rathbun-Grubb, S., & McCourry, M. Competencies Through Community Engagement: Developing the Core Competencies for Cataloging and Metadata Professional Librarians. Library Resources and Technical Services, volume 62, no. 4 (October 2018).