Michelle Speed
Assistant Librarian, Metadata Librarian

BA, Psychology, University of Texas at Dallas
MLS, University of North Texas
Graduate Academic Certificate, Digital Content Management, University of North Texas
Michelle is the Metadata Librarian for Baylor's digital collections. Prior to joining the Baylor Libraries in July 2023, she served for 2 years as a cataloger for the Dallas Public Library and 8 years as a librarian at North Central Texas College. She has experience in traditional library cataloging, metadata, library instruction, reference, and event program management.
In her spare time, she enjoys reading, playing the flute, cross-stitch, jigsaw puzzles, and feeding the neighborhood squirrels. Her favorite PC and video games include Civilization, The Sims, and Fantasy Life. Michelle is enthusiastic about organizing data even in her free time. She can often be found creating and updating spreadsheets for the video games she plays.