Learning Spaces
As one of our core convictions, "Baylor University commits to provide a unique place for learning and the building of community." As a part of the Baylor University Libraries' Learning Technologies division, Learning Spaces seeks to actively participate in the fulfillment of that conviction.
Learning Spaces is a team of 8 with over 50 years of combined experience in academic and A/V technology. We provide services that focus on technology in the classroom, conference rooms, and computer labs. Learning Spaces designs, trains for, supports and maintains more than 550 technology classrooms, conference rooms, labs and portable systems across campus. Through professional and consistent design, quality training, and rapid and thorough support we hope to achieve a positive experience, in our spaces, for all faculty, staff and students.
Contact us at CTS@baylor.edu or call 254-307-1614 for consultation, requests or support.
Project Design & Management
To create outstanding academic facilities that are both useful and aesthetically pleasing, we believe we must start with excellent design. Learning Spaces coordinates design for technology spaces that may also include professionals in Baylor Construction Services, Baylor Facilities Services, and designers from outside the University. We work closely with all involved to manage projects from budgeting & design to ready-to-use. The following are some examples of services our project design & management team perform:
Classroom Technology Maintenance/Support
Baylor Classroom Technology Support (CTS) provides support and maintenance for audio visual technology hardware and equipment in over 550 spaces campus-wide. This includes rapid response to issues, in-person and in-depth troubleshooting, and preventative and proactive maintenance. We aim to respond quickly to all problems that arise. Instructors needing immediate assistance can reach us from 7:30 a.m. until 5:30 p.m. on Monday through Friday (Baylor holidays excepted) on our support hotline at 254-307-1614. If the problem cannot be fixed right away, CTS will attempt to resolve the problem at the first available block of time between classes or provide a temporary solution to allow continued operation in a classroom. You may also reach us by emailing CTS@baylor.edu and we will respond within 48 hours.
Computer Lab Maintenance/Support
Learning Spaces supports over 200 public computing workstations and several computer labs across campus. Support and services includes computer imaging, troubleshooting problems, and software and hardware support. We also provide consultation and expertise in regards to specifying and purchasing computer lab equipment. If you need assistance, please contact us at CTS@baylor.edu.
Video Conferencing Support
Learning Spaces provides support and training resources for the Zoom videoconferencing platforms. Typical uses of these platforms includes synchronous class sessions, office hours, interviews, and other virtual meeting needs. We also have several on-campus dedicated videoconferencing rooms with built-in equipment to provide a higher quality experience that can also integrate with both Webex and Zoom. For additional information, please contact us at CTS@baylor.edu. For immediate assistance, please contact 254-307-1614 from 7:30 a.m. until 5:30 p.m. on Monday through Friday (Baylor holidays excepted).
Student Response System Support
Clickers are an interactive technology that enables instructors to pose questions to students and immediately collect and view the responses of the entire class. They are often used to give quizzes, take polls, open discussions, and take attendance. At Baylor, we currently support Turning Technologies products. We have over 100+ instructors and 9,000 students who use clickers in their classrooms. For questions or additional information, please contact us at CTS@baylor.edu.
Training Resources
Learning Spaces offers training resources for presentation technology classrooms and spaces to first-time users as well those who have previously used the equipment. If you would like to request training on supported equipment, please contact us at CTS@baylor.edu.
Other Services
We are pleased to make available the following additional services to academic departments not directly supported by Learning Spaces:
- Budget and upgrade planning for technology
- Consultation and recommendation for individual pieces of classroom technology equipment
- Consultation and recommendations for supporting various classroom technology