Changes Coming to Canvas Quizzes

November 29, 2021

A change to the Quizzes function in Canvas is scheduled to take place by July 2022, with "New Quizzes" taking its place for all instructors by this summer.

"New Quizzes will offer the same basic functionality as the current Quizzes system but with some added features that improve on the original," said Neil Rodriguez, instructional technologist with Library and Academic Technology Services (LATS).

Instructors are encouraged to visit the New Quizzes website to familiarize themselves with the change.

Timeline for the new quiz rolloutA timeline of the rollout for New Quizzes

"A good place to start is the Webinar of New Quizzes," Rodriguez said.

Rodriguez will also lead an online session, Learning Canvas New Quizzes, on December 17. Learn more and register for this workshop at