Teams Meetings, Classes Coming to Canvas This Month

November 29, 2021
Teams in Canvas

Beginning in December, Canvas will integrate two functions from Teams, adding new functionalities to the university's learning management system and expanding opportunities for faculty to reach their students.

"Meetings" functions similarly to Webex, Zoom, or other video conferencing apps. It allows faculty to host virtual meetings within the Canvas environment using features that are already familiar to Teams users.

"Classes" allows faculty to sync their Canvas roster into Teams, making it easier to coordinate communication with their classes within a single interface.

"These new features give instructors additional tools for reaching their students using technology they're already familiar with," said John Lowe, Associate Director of Learning Systems. "These integrations are part of our ongoing efforts to ensure Canvas is a flexible, powerful, and up-to-date partner for our campus faculty."

For full details on integrating Teams into your Canvas instance, please visit the Teams page on the HelpDesk website.

Additional changes to the Canvas environment will be announced in early 2022.