The Baylor Libraries are partnering with Texas Baptists and Baptist Standard Publishing to digitize the Baptist Standard and Baptist News archive, making Baptist history accessible.
Baylor's Armstrong Browning Library and Museum presents its annual Browning Day lecture virtually on Zoom on Friday, April 16, 2021, at 3:30 p.m. Dr. Joshua King, associate professor and Margarett Root Brown Chair in Robert Browning and Victorian Studies at Baylor University, will present "Lords of the Earth? Elizabeth Barrett Browning on Christ's Body in the Age of Human Domination," which will ask how EBB struggled in her poetry to come to terms with the world-altering impact of the Industrial Revolution.
The pro licenses expand the capabilities of a free Mentimeter account to include more robust features such as the ability to export and analyze poll results.
The Keston Center for Religion, Politics, and Society at Baylor University welcomes nine scholars from around the world to report on the current state of religion, politics, and society. The panel presentations will be offered on Tuesday, March 23, at 3:30 p.m. CDT and on Friday, March 26, at 11:00 a.m. CDT to accommodate time differences. A live moderated Q&A will follow each session.
On Tuesday, February 23, the Baylor Libraries completed a two-year inquiry into diversity, equity, and inclusion with the release of a statement that is now a permanent part of its mission and vision. This statement complements ongoing diversity efforts within the Libraries.
Texas Standard, a regional news platform featured on NPR, published a story on the Baylor Libraries' Black Gospel Music Restoration Project, which contributed music from its collection to the recent PBS documentary, The Black Church.
The University Libraries announce new home for the Black Gospel Music Restoration Project, to open late spring.
The 2021 Pruit Memorial Symposium at Baylor University welcomes Dr. Mellonee Burnim (Yale University) and Dr. Alisha Lola Jones (Indiana University) along with a panel of distinguished music scholars to explore the contributions of women to Black Gospel in a series of virtual conversations hosted on Zoom on February 25, March 2, and March 9 at 3:30 p.m. CST.
A virtual session of the Baptist Women’s World Day of Prayer was held on Zoom on Friday, February 12, beginning at 10:15 a.m. CST. The session featured music, prayers, devotional meditations, and a keynote address, “Unified in Hope.”
A coalition of research universities in Texas, including Baylor, continue negotiations with the for-profit publisher Elsevier to reduce costs and allow for more open access publishing rights for scholars.
During the Christmas break, members of the Learning Spaces group of Library and Academic Technology Services (LATS) team began a series of new upgrades to campus classrooms.
New app and sensor system provide 90% accuracy in determining available space in Moody and Jones Libraries
Patrons can now request an item’s call number be texted to their mobile device and requests for materials from special collections can be made online as well.
In celebration of their benefactors, the Armstrong Browning Library & Museum proudly feature Dr. Marjorie Stone and Dr. Beverly Taylor as they virtually present "Wilder Ever Still & Wilder!: The Brownings' Courtship, Victorian Wedding Journeys, and Elizabeth Barrett Browning's Unpublished Honeymoon Poem on Thursday, November 5, at 3:30 p.m. on Zoom.
On Friday, October 30 from 3:00-4:00 p.m., the Baylor Libraries present a virtual "speed panel" event, "Pictures, Portraits & Snapshots: Glimpses into Baylor's Special Libraries. In a series of three minute presentations panelists will present unique items discovered in Baylor's special collections in their research. This event is free and available to the public.
think-cell includes over 40 different chart types including waterfall, Gantt, and Mekko charts.
A new series of collaborations between the data scholarship librarian and Research and Engagement liaisons yields unexpected findings
On National Voter Registration Day, Tuesday, September 22, at 3:30 p.m., Dr. Christina Chan-Park of the Waco League of Women Voters, Dr. Peaches Henry of the Waco NAACP, and Dr. Andrea Turpin, Baylor associate professor of history will participate in a virtual discussion, "19: 100 Years of Preserving Voters' Rights," which marks the centennial of the adoption of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution and highlights the enduring struggle to maintain voters' rights in the U.S.
Today the Baylor Libraries launched a new! The new site has the same powerful search functionality users expect while presenting a new mobile-first experience and plenty of new features.
The Fall 2020 semester marks a transition in how the University Libraries handle course reserves. Instructors now have access to a powerful Course Reading List tool called Leganto, which has been integrated into the Canvas environment and enables instructors to quickly and easily add a wide range of course reserves materials directly into Canvas courses.
Proctorio will no longer be available for use as of Monday, August 17. Beginning in Fall 2020, Respondus Lockdown Browser and Monitor will be the only available online proctoring solution available for campus-wide use.
The Libraries are pleased to announce that all Baylor students, faculty and staff will continue to enjoy access to The Wall Street Journal as a result of a recent subscription purchased by the university. Members of the Baylor community can utilize this online subscription from The Wall Street Journal website and the WSJ app.
New capability for Kaltura automatically generates captions, includes multiple language support and more